PulstarPulsePlugs.com is part of the SparkPlugs.com family - an authorized Pulstar distributor.  To contact Enerpulse, click here.

Privacy Policy

This website is part of the SparkPlugs.com Family. SparkPlugs.com respects the privacy of its customers. Any and all information captured on this web site is for internal use by SparkPlugs.com only. We do not sell, distribute or share mailing lists, email lists, or give out any of your personal information in any way. You can be confident that the information you give us will be kept internally and in strict confidentiality.

What information does SparkPlugs.com collect?

SparkPlugs.com collects just enough information required to process your order and contact you if there are any problems. We use your email address as your personal identifier so we can send you information regarding your order, including your order receipt/confirmation, any status updates, and the final shipping confirmation. In rare cases, your phone number may be used to contact you for security verification or in the event of an order complication. You may also choose during order checkout to opt-in to SMS order updates. If you choose this option, in addition to receiving email updates (which may be more detailed), you will also receive an order confirmation and shipping confirmation via SMS, as well as notification if there is a delay to your order or some other complication. If you choose to opt-in to SMS order updates, your phone number will never be used for marketing purposes, and the opt-in is exclusive to that order. If you would like SMS updates on a future order, you will have to opt-in again while placing that order. If you would like to stop receiving SMS updates on an order in progress, please contact us to submit that request.

Does SparkPlugs.com use cookies? If so, how?

Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored on your hard drive from your browser. To properly store the contents of your shopping cart, SparkPlugs.com uses cookies. Also, cookies are used to let us know that you are logged into the system. We do not use them to extract marketing information from existing cookies. We do not use them to remember your site activity from previous sessions.

What does SparkPlugs.com do to protect my personal information?

SSL certificates create a secure, encrypted communication process between your browser and the site you are shopping on. The padlock next to the URL confirms a site is secure. In times past, web browsers have provided an additional visual aid by making this section green, but in recent years, web browsers have eliminated this feature and transitioned to placing a greater emphasis on making it known when a site is not secure.

SSL certification ensures that your data is encrypted when transmitted, but how is it treated when it arrives at its destination? For your safety and protection, when you place an order on one of the SparkPlugs.com Family websites, your credit card number is never seen, captured or stored by our company. Using the SSL certificate, your credit card details are securely sent through our credit card merchant, PayPal, to your bank for verification. When PayPal receives a response from your bank, they return to us a transaction "token". This "token" allows us to further communicate with your bank regarding the transaction, later converting the initial authorization into an actual charge when your order ships, all without us ever seeing your credit card number.

How does SparkPlugs.com acquire newsletter subscriber information?

Your personal information is never used for internal marketing purposes without your expressed consent. Placing an order with us does not in itself enroll you to receive communication outside of those pertaining to your order. You must intentionally elect to receive additional contact from us, either through the newsletter sign-up box at the bottom of our site pages, or by selecting the opt-in box during the checkout process. Once you enroll in our newsletter, there are clear unsubscribe links at the bottom of each email, for you to opt-out at any time. Subscriber information is never shared with a 3rd party.

How do I obtain a copy of my data, or have it erased?

You may view all of the data SparkPlugs.com has stored by logging into your account. If you have not created an account with us, you may submit a request for a copy of your data by emailing cust@sparkplugs.com. To submit a request to have your personal data erased, please send an email to cust@sparkplugs.com.